Monday, September 14, 2009

Our print edtion is changing, too

Dear Readers,

Last week, we wrote about the many changes we made to our Web site. That said, we aren’t forgetting about our print edition, either. Whether you’re getting your news from or by picking up a copy of The Review, we want the experience to suit your needs and reflect out new ideas as much as possible. Thus, we’ve made, and are continuing to make, several changes to the print edition.

The first thing you may have noticed is that the front page looks different than it did last year. We’ve increased the size of the pictures and headlines and reduced the amount of text in an attempt the make the page more visual and eye-catching. We hope the redesign makes it easier and more interesting to read.

Editorial Editors Haley Marks and Lydia Woolever have introduced some changes to their section, too. You’ll notice a new weekly feature, “YoU Don’t Say,” in which three staff members sound off on a topic of their interest. Their new “Quotables” section allows readers to do the same thing. They’ve also added graphics to the Op-ed section to help spice up the page.

In Mosaic, managing editors Ale Duszak and Ted Simmons have introduced several new weekly features, as well. “How Bazaar” will feature things that we don’t usually have room to cover each week ? such as recipes, book reviews, new workout routines, etc. And in “Mosaic Musings,” Ale and Ted will offer their views on an issue in pop culture.
We hope these changes make your reading experience more enjoyable. As the semester progresses, we’ll likely be adding more features as well.

As always, let us know what you think. Email us at

Faithfully yours,
Josh Shannon, Editor in Chief
Maddie Thomas, Executive Editor

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